Written by Michael Dupont
Just Turn it Up
Here is a show that didn't make it into the LTIA boxset, but yes you will want it. A FULL 1972 Larks' show that actually sounds pretty good, granted you turn it up loud enough to get the sense of what it might have been like to be there. Improv 1 is yet another variation of the Rich Tapestry and Nail Polish blows but it is always worth hearing again for the subtle variations and nuances, especially around the 16 :00+ mark I am taken away down those Crimson Whirls down down down....
Written by Jordan Clifford
Why isn't this in the box set??
It says new release on the site, but you’re telling me they put out a COMPLETE box set, promising this was the complete live recordings of the LTIA band - "known" - and they did that without figuring out what was going on with this date? Am I supposed to purchase this show now after having purchased nearly every collector’s club LTIA release and then again purchased them along with the COMPLETE RECORDINGS set? Where is the free download code for this one?
Written by Marc-andre Robitaille
Good show with mediocre audio
Setlist 5, Perfomance 5, Sound 2.5. I taught the quality of the audio would justify a second almost similar setlist with J. Muir. The audio is not that good and for I would stick with the Zoom show if I had to pick 1 of this line-up. The improv I and II are good and worth it if you have the interest and the extra $.
Written by Jonathan Wilson
Guildford remix but better
Whiskeyvengeance is quite correct; this is the same concert as Guildford but it sounds quite different. Like the notes are the same but the feel is different,and, to my bootleg-seasoned ears, much better. We have all paid loads for SW remasters, and waited in anticipation of a better defined high-hat here or there. This could easily be a different concert..just close your eyes and let the pull of our years work its magic once more. I’ve just finished listening to the LTIA boxset followed by th...
