Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Thursday 08 September 2005

DGM HQ The Morning shift



The Morning shift in SoundWorld I: mixing Love Cannot Bear.

The Love Cannot Bear Soundscape is the first part of the evening performance, November 30th. 2001, at the World Financial Center, New York. Recorded to DAT by John Sinks, overdubbed StudioBelew 2002 with Ken Latchney, overdubbed at DGM SoundWorlds with David Singleton on September 6th. 2005, produced by The Vicar & RF.

Can it be true that music might redeem our fallen world?
Can it be true that music can heal our world?

Silence is our friend
Silence is our friend
If only we can listen to our Friend

Silence is our friend
Silence is our friend
If only
If only we can say
Hello hello hello

Love cannot bear
Love cannot bear
That even one soul be denied its place in Paradise

Love cannot bear that even one soul
be denied its place in paradise

Music is our friend
Music is our friend
Music is our friend
Music is our friend.

10.40 Mixed.

The title of the Soundscapes CD has now changed from Affirmations to Love Cannot Bear. That is, Affirmations has changed its name as its identity has become clearer.

11.42 Other excitements of the morning: a distribution of table lamps, light shades & curtains (for David's office) brought down from Bredonborough. Hugh has arrived to his cheerless office (formerly mine), about to be enlightened & vibrated with more & better light.

16.31 The mastering of the Love Cannot Bear album has been underway all this afternoon. During this, our landlord regularly telephones from the shop beneath & next door & underneath to inform us of the latest cricket score.

17.53 David has gone home, dribbling. In addition to our proper work at DGM, stuff has visited today & demanded our attention.

23.38 A whole pile of stuff.

And a little practising. At the end of a DGM day, there's not a lot left for anything other than dribbling. The floor is smiling, waving, promising untold delights of slumbering.


