David Singleton

David Singleton's Diary

Wednesday 27 March 2002

Today at the Vicarage Old

Today at the Vicarage : 147 Old Church St.

An impromptu recording session in Vicky Cocaine's living room in deepest Chelsea. How much more gentile can you get? Tim Faulkner, Oberonic actor par excellence, declaiming chosen aphorisms.

Donbledore dribbled knowingly at such jewels as :
"With commitment, all the rules change.
"Nothing wothwhile is achieved suddenly" and
"May we have the courage to fail".

Then a high speed trip across town, past the recently evacuated EMI building at Brook Green (where "Hik the chick" now plies her trade) to meet an excited Fripp and Simon Heyworth at Sanctuary – who, amongst the masters for Earthbound and USA, have discovered one side of the original master for ITCOTCK, always believed lost. It is the first side Fripp has heard this tape since it was recorded in the studio in 1969. More high end, less hiss, one step closer to those heady days in Wessex studios. Yo, I say!

How much more excitement can one man take? Time for a Camomile tea (I jest). For now, back at the Betsy, I find an email from the messiah awaiting me in my in-box. How much more connected can you get? Unfortunately, it was misdirected, as it was sent to "Dusty Roads" – a different man of my acquaintance. But then, as Tim Rice rightly noted (I misquote from memory) "Israel 4BC had no mass communication. Don't you get me wrong".

