A wonderful, sunny day. An English summer day.
On this day 58 years ago my Mother gave birth to her son. On this day 18 years ago, her son quietly married Toyah in Witchampton church. This morning, to the newsagents for T's Sunday papers, and on the cover of the Home section from The Sunday Times --
A morning reading by the back door, with present opening throughout the morning, late lunch by the back door & then tea by the riverside. My presents are mostly books - new books, old books. Fabulous, wonderful books. New friends.
The SundayTimes' garden article, on the deep peace of our garden, doesn't actually have any pictures of the garden, although peace is right enough.
The Hand Of God --
-- fashioned by Althea Wynne as The Creation, renamed by myself, recently taken from the garage & put in place.
This is older than I am --
Mulberry trees were introduced into England by James I in 1606, to feed silk worms & thereby establish an indigenous silk industry to rival those of France & Italy. James chose the wrong kind of mulberry, the leaves of which silk worms didn't enjoy eating, and the about-to-be-becoming silk trade failed.